Caring for your hearing aids is an important part of keeping them in good shape. A hearing aid that has been properly cared for can last you for a good deal of time, but a hearing aid that has not been cleaned and maintained can easily break beyond repair. For this reason, you should be careful about how you care for your hearing aid; here are a couple tips.
1. Clean The Wax Off The Shell
The shell is the outer part of the aid. The biggest concern with the shell is that there will be wax build up over time. When you get excessive wax on the shell it will cause the hearing aid not to fit properly and to be uncomfortable in the ear. This is why it is important to take the aid out often and clean the ear and the aid.
When you are cleaning the shell do not use a wet cloth. You should use a dry tissue to remove the wax from the surface. If needed you can use a slightly damp cloth if you have extra stubborn wax that is difficult to get off, but putting water on the hearing aid could damage it permanently.
2. Do Not Put Force On The Receiver
The receiver is one of the most delicate parts of the hearing aid. Just like the shell, it can get wax on it and this will cause the aid to not work as well. When cleaning out your receiver from wax you should only use the tools given to you by your audiologist. These tools can pull out the wax. Do not try to use a toothpick or needle to get the wax out. This will damage the area.
3. Only Use A Brush To Clean The Microphone
The microphone is also very delicate on the hearing aid. You much be very careful how you clean it. One easy way is to turn the aid so that the microphone is facing down. This will cause the dirt and debris to fall from the area. When cleaning the area use a brush to brush away the dirt and debris. Never use a toothpick or something to poke the area. This will break the microphone. There should be a brush provided with your hearing aid, if you don't have one on hand use a soft brush, like a toothbrush to clean the area.
If you are worried about cleaning your aid, talk to your audiologist, like those at Pacific Hearing Care and other locations. They can help you get the proper tools and education to keep your aid in tiptop shape.