Keeping Your Dental Practice Profitable: Automating Tasks, Cutting Supply Costs, Minimizing Down Time

When you run a dental practice, it can be harder than it seems to stay profitable. When you have employees you pay a salary and benefits to, it's important to keep costs as low as possible. Whether you learn new ways to automate tasks, or you save money on dental supplies, every dollar adds up at the end of the month. If you are working hard to keep your practice up and running, you need to take a look at how your business is run and where you can cut costs. In addition, making sure that patients keep scheduled appointments will help provide you with a steady stream of income.

Automating Tasks to Reduce Work Hours

There are a number of tasks that can be done through automated software programs. If you are having an employee stay late an hour or two to call patients for the next day to remind them of their appointment, there is no longer a need to do so. With the right program in place, you can have patients automatically called by your computer to remind them of appointments. Patients can also cancel the appointment when you send an automated call to confirm, freeing up that space in your schedule for an emergency patient. 

Scheduling can also be done online, through your website, creating an easy way for patients to come in for an appointment without having to call in. 

Keep Your Supply Costs Down

You'll have plenty of supplies you will need to buy every month when you have a busy dental practice. Finding discount dental supplies that are at a price lower than what you are currently paying is going to save you money. You should also look at what you spend on office supplies such as paper, toner, pens and other necessities. Checking in on your spending every month or so can help keep supply costs down.

Monitor Your Heating and Cooling Costs

While you will want to make sure that your employees and patients are comfortable while in the office, it will help keep costs down if you consider ways to keep heating and cooling cost down. For example, there may be a staff member who decides they are too hot, and they open up a window when the heat is on. When people aren't paying the bills, they aren't always mindful of how their habits contribute to the cost of running the business.
